Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Aug 15, 2021

Fighting Spiritual Complacency / At the Movies / Week 2

You believe in God. You pray and sometimes go to church, and you try to be a good person. You're all set. Right? I mean you're busy enough as is, how much time and effort do you really need to put into your faith? And what's the harm of just dipping your toe in religion? Let's talk about it!

Speaker: Jason Cross

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Steven Lucas had preached a sermon on this day, but due to technical problems, the sermon was not recorded.
