Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Mar 26, 2023

When Trust Is Broken / How Did We Get Here? / Week 2

Have you ever experienced the pain of broken trust in your relationships? Betrayal, disappointment, and hurt can leave us lost and alone, wondering how we can ever trust again. But the truth is that we all have experienced broken trust and we have been the one to break trust with others! In this sermon, We will explore what the Bible has to say about when trust is broken, how we can find hope and healing in our relationship with God and others, and how we can apply these timeless principles to our lives today. 

Speaker: Ken Knott

Mar 19, 2023

Why Is The World So Messed Up? / How Did We Get Here? / Week 1

Have you ever stopped and said, what is going on with our world? You don't have to look very far before you find brokenness, injustice, and evil around us. So how did we get here? Why are people so hateful, selfish, and corrupt? In this sermon, we see how the Bible says our world got so messed up, how that affects our personal lives, and how change needs to begin with us.  

Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield

Mar 12, 2023

How To Study The Bible / The Bible / Week 2

The Bible is the best selling book of all time and most Americans have at least one in their homes, but just because we open it and read it doesn't mean that it's easy to understand or apply to our lives. Even harder is making this a regular discipline in our lives. In this video, Pastor Sean Sears gives you some tools to help you not only read the Bible more often, but also help you hear from God while you read and study the Bible for yourself. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon 

Mar 5, 2023

Is The Bible True? / The Bible / Week 1

Is the Bible fact or fiction? If we believe it is true, how can we be sure that it's reliable and accurate? Can we trust the writers were telling the truth? Is it just a book with some good stories or did the accounts that we read about really happen? In this sermon, Pastor Robb puts the Bible to the test to see if we can know if the Bible is true, accurate, and something worth rearranging our lives around

Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield