Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Apr 30, 2023

Do I have Enough Faith / Disillusioned / Week 3

Do you find yourself wondering or concerned whether you have enough faith? When doubts arise and our faith feels diminished, it's easy to feel inadequate or even guilty. Maybe you question whether you are worthy of God's love and acceptance because your faith seems so small. So exactly how much faith is enough? In this sermon, we talk bout how faith and doubts can coexist together. By the end of the sermon, you'll have a better understanding of what it means to have faith, and some practical tools to help strengthen your own. ***(PLEASE NOTE: The sermon at our Norton location was not recorded today due to technical difficulties)***

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Apr 23, 2023

What To Do When You're Doubting / Disillusioned / Week 2

What are you supposed to do when you have doubts about your faith? Are you supposed to talk openly about them or hide them? Some of us have experienced our doubts being shut down when we tried to share them, or were given an answer that only led to more questions. In this sermon, we talk about why seasons of doubt are not something to be discouraged by and we give 3 practical things you can do as you process through your doubts and questions.

Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Numbers 13 & 14

Apr 16, 2023

Is Doubting Your Faith Normal? / Disillusioned / Week 1

Have you ever questioned your faith or felt unsure about what you believe in? Have you ever wondered if your doubts mean you don't have enough faith? You're not alone. Doubt can be scary and confusing, but it doesn't mean you're losing your faith or a bad Christian. In this sermon, we see what the Bible says about doubting faith, what to do when we doubt, and how our doubts can actually help us grow closer to God.

Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield

Apr 9, 2023

The Solution To Our Broken World / How Did We Get Here? / Week 4

We all long for life to be good. To have days where everything goes right, we feel refreshed and filled, and are able to put aside the troubles and brokenness of our world. We can all agree that our world is broken but it's harder for us to admit that we contribute towards that broken world too. But what hope do we have that things will get better in our world? What about in our own lives? In this sermon, we see the answers the Bible gives for why we're all broken, how that affects our spiritual lives, and how Easter shows us that God has a plan to fix our broken world and how He can restore your world as well. 

Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield

Apr 2, 2023

It's Not Technically Wrong / How Did We Get Here? / Week 3

How far is too far? We see that question being played out everywhere in our world and often it can feel like a fine line between "right" and "wrong". But if it's not technically wrong and nobody got hurt does that mean it's right? The problem is that while it's easy to justify our actions as "technically not wrong" this mindset can lead us down a dangerous path. In this video, we see from the Bible how seemingly harmless actions can steer us away from God's plan for our lives, and how we can learn to make choices that help keep our lives on track. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon