Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Dec 30, 2018

RECAP 2018

Jesus has done amazing things in and through Life Church in 2018. Today we take a look back at what has happened this year and look forward to what is on the horizon in 2019.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Exodus 14

Dec 23, 2018

Dec. 23, 2018

Due to recording problems, we regret that we cannot give you the sermon on this day.

Dec 16, 2018

ReGifted - Shallow Faith

We've all given someone a gift only for them to not respond the way we expected. God has given us  amazing gifts, but sometimes we don't enjoy them to the fullest. Today we discuss the response of shallow faith and how to deepen our faith.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 kings 13:10-19

Dec 9, 2018

ReGifted - Hypocrisy

We've all given someone a gift only for them to not respond the way we expected. Jesus gave Himself to us, but sometimes we lose sight of how amazing that Gift is. Today we look at how to overcome one of those improper responses to Jesus: Hypocrisy.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Mark 2:13-17

Dec 2, 2018

ReGifted - Spiritual Indifference

We've all given someone a gift only for them to not respond the way we expected. Jesus gave Himself to us, but sometimes we lose sight of how amazing that Gift is. Today we look at how to overcome one of those improper responses to Jesus: Spiritual Indifference.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Revelation 3:14-22

Nov 25, 2018

Believe It!

God tends to draw people into situations that push them outside their comfort. This can be scary but it is also where the miraculous happens. Today we look at 2 Kings 2 to see how we can consistently live by faith to see God work through us.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Kings 2

Nov 18, 2018

Marching Orders

Sometimes the monotony of life can convince us that there really isn't anything of serious significance or consequence happening. The reality is that we are in the middle of a serious spiritual battle that has been raging since the beginning. Today we look at 2 Timothy to find the marching orders Paul gives soldiers in Christ.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Timothy 2

Nov 11, 2018

Get Back Up

When our lives seem to fall apart, we tend to make mistakes we never thought we could make and then beat ourselves up. Today we look at the example of Peter and how God restores us and gives us truth to hold on to so that we can get back up.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Luke 22:54-62, John 21:12-17

Nov 4, 2018

SAY YES - To Jesus

Our response to knowing who God is and what He has done for us should be to say "YES!" to Him. We can't pick and choose what we like about Jesus. He told His followers to "count the cost" before following Him. Today we look at what it means to count the cost and say yes to Jesus!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Mark 8:34-37

Oct 28, 2018

SAY YES - Progress

Our response to knowing who God is and what He has done for us should be to say, "YES!" to Him. We aren't finished products, God desires us to grow continually so we can experience Him more. Today we look at what it means to grow in 5 different areas of our lives.

Speaker: Steven Lucas
Text: Colossians 1:15-23

Oct 21, 2018

SAY YES - I'm Rich

Our response to knowing who God is and what He has done for us should be to say, "YES!" to Him. Today we take a look at how rich we are thanks to God's gifts, and what God desires for our literal riches as well.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Peter 1:3-11 & 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Oct 14, 2018

SAY YES - First

Our response to knowing who God is and what He has done should be to say, "YES!" to Him. Today Pastor Aaron Kaeble explains what it means to SAY YES to God first -  before we say yes to anything else.

Speaker: Aaron Kaeble
Text: Colossians 1:13-15, 19-22

Oct 7, 2018

The Problem of God - Hypocrisy

Everyone has questions about God, and God is not afraid of your questions! Today we address the question; if God exists then why do His followers act like He doesn't?

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Mark 7: 1-7

Sep 30, 2018

The Problem of God - Evil

Everyone has questions about God, and God is not afraid of your questions! This week we address the question; how can there be an all-good, all-powerful God if evil exists in our world?

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Deuteronomy 30: 19, 20

Sep 23, 2018

The Problem of God -The Bible

Everyone has questions about God, and God is not afraid of your questions! This week we address the question; how can we trust the Bible?

Speaker: Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Sep 16, 2018

The Problem of God - Faith

Everyone has questions about God, and God is not afraid of your questions! This week we address the question; is there anything outside of the Bible that point to the existence of God?

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Hebrews 11:1-3

Sep 9, 2018

Still Making Memories With God

God isn't done with you! He wants to work through you and in you regardless of your age, your past, or your doubts. Church planter and Pastor of Haven Church Tim Robinson dives into Philippians 3 to encourage everyone to still make memories with God.

Guest Speaker: Tim Robinson ( https://www.hcfitchburg.org )
Text: Philippians 3

Sep 2, 2018

Divine Direction - Divine Burden

Decisions are tough, and we have to make a lot of them. How do we know what God wants us to do? God may someday (or might already have) place a burden on your heart regarding a specific situation or circumstance. Today we dive into the book of Nehemiah to see how to follow God's leading when we feel a "divine burden."

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Aug 26, 2018

Divine Direction - Trust the Process

Decisions are tough, and we have to make a lot of them. How do we know what God wants us to do? Today we look at what happens when we choose to obey God's leading, even when we are unsure of what will happen.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Aug 19, 2018

Divine Direction - Wisdom to Discern

Decisions are tough and we have to make a lot of them. How do we know what God wants us to do? Today we look at some steps to take when the specifics aren't ironed out before us. How we can have wisdom to discern.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble

Aug 12, 2018

Divine Direction - Power to Become

Decisions are tough and we have to make a lot of them. How do we know what God wants us to do? Today we look at what God's ultimate will is for all of us.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble

Aug 5, 2018

Aug. 5, 2018

Pastor Steven Lucas shared a message called My Big Fat Mouth - Gossiping. However, due to technical problems the sermon was not recorded.

Jul 29, 2018

My Big Fat Mouth - Lying

Words are powerful. They have the ability to beat us down or lift us up. Today we dive into a discussion on how the devil tries to get us to lie, and how exactly telling the truth can set us free and allow us to live free lives from sin.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: John 8

Jul 22, 2018

My Big Fat Mouth - Criticizing

Words are powerful. They have the ability to beat us down or lift us up. Today we dive into a discussion on what the Bible has to say about criticizing, and how it affects how we see ourselves and others.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 3:3-6

Jul 15, 2018

My Big Fat Mouth - Complaining

Words are powerful. They have the ability to beat us down and lift us up. Today we dive into a discussion on what the Bible has to say about complaining. *(Please note that the first minute of the sermon was not recorded) 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Philippians 2:12-18

Jul 8, 2018

Finding Rest

Rest is a hard thing to find in our busy world. It's tempting to look for relief from our stresses in the wrong places. Guest speaker Brian McGrath teaches on finding real rest in Jesus.

Speaker: Brian McGrath of Bay State Baptist Church
Text: Ruth:1:1-18

Jul 1, 2018

One Body, Many Parts

Guest Speaker: Executive Pastor Tim Chase from Bay State Baptist Church
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Jun 24, 2018

What Do We Want?

James was the brother of Jesus and a leader of the early church. James' letter gives us practical insights into living out our faith today. Today we look into chapter 4 where James asks the reader, "What Do We Want?" in our life of following Jesus?

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: James 4

Jun 17, 2018

The Handoff

Life is a relay race. It is a constant process of receiving wisdom and passing it on. Today we identify what it takes to handoff something of value to the next generation and leave a lasting legacy.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Hebrews 12:1-13

Jun 10, 2018

James - Favoritism

James was the brother of Jesus and a leader of the early church. James' letter gives us practical insights into living out our faith today. Today we look at James' warning against favoritism and what a church looks like when Jesus is the most important person in the room and everyone else is viewed as equals.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 2:1-13

Jun 3, 2018

James - Active Faith

James was the brother of Jesus and a leader in the early church. James' letter gives us practical insights on living out our faith today. Today we look at James' charge for followers of Jesus to have an active faith.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 1:19-27

May 27, 2018

James - Trials

James was the brother of Jesus and a leader of the early church. James' letter gives us practical insights on living out our faith today. This morning we look at the role trials play in our faith.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 1:1-12.

May 20, 2018

This is Life - Life Goals

Life Church exists to invite people into the extraordinary life found in Jesus. What does that extraordinary life look like though? Today we discuss what a life of following Jesus should be characterized by.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

May 13, 2018

This is Life - Values

In order for Life Church to accomplish our vision we need to know what we value. What are Life Church's core values? And how can we implement them to change our community? Today we look into Acts 2:42-47 to learn from the early church and what they valued.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Acts 2:42-47

May 6, 2018

This is Life - Vision

Why does Life Church need to exist, and where specifically, is God leading us? There are other churches in our area, so what makes the existence of Life Church so necessary? Today we look at 1 Corinthians 9 for answers.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 1 Corinthians 9

Apr 29, 2018

5 Disciple Tests

Guest speaker Bryan Spicer shares this message that helps test our level of Christian spiritual maturity.

Speaker: Lead Pastor of Bay State Baptist Church Bryan Spicer
Text: Luke 5:1-11

Apr 22, 2018

Parables - Vineyard Workers

Jesus used parables to communicate truth to anyone who would listen. Today we take a look at a story Jesus told about a group of workers in a vineyard, and what this story has to do with building God's Kingdom. Speaker

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 20:1-16.

Apr 15, 2018

Parables - House on the Rock

Jesus used parables to communicate truths to anyone who would listen. Today we take a look at a famous story Jesus told about two builders; one who built his house on the rock, and the other who built on sand.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 7:24-27

Apr 8, 2018

Parables - The Prodigal Son

Jesus used parables in order to communicate truths to those willing to listen. Today we look at the parable of the Prodigal Son where we learn about the amazing depths of God's grace and love.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Luke 15:13-32.

Apr 1, 2018

Easter Sunday - Consider Jesus

Everyone seems to have an opinion of who they think Jesus is. This Easter we look at the most prominent theories about Jesus to see if He was a liar, a lunatic, a legend, or is in fact, Lord. We'll let the evidence speak for itself.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 13:53-58.

Mar 25, 2018

Different Calling

The book of 1 Peter was written to persecuted Christians all over the Roman Empire. Today we look who Peter called these Christians to be in the face of their persecution and how that calling affects us today.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12.

Mar 18, 2018

Different Values

The Apostle Peter calls for the followers of Jesus to be different. Today we take a look at 1 Peter 1:13-17 to see what it means to have different values than our surrounding culture.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 1 Peter 1:13-17

Mar 11, 2018

Different Faith in Trials

As we look into 1 Peter, we can't help but see that as followers of Jesus this is not our home, and we are called to be different. Today we look at how we can have a different faith in the midst of our trials.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: 1 Peter 1: 6-9

Mar 4, 2018

March 4, 2018

Due to a major storm and loss of power our church service was cancelled on this day. But Pastor Steven Lucas presented a video sermon about baptism via Facebook. That message titled "Talking About Baptism!" can be seen at the Life Church Norton Facebook page.

Feb 25, 2018


David is a biblical figure most well known for defeating a giant named Goliath. This Sunday we take a look at a small conversation David has before his big battle with the giant in order to see what made David such a bold follower of God despite great opposition. Steven Lucas brings this sermon based on 1 Samuel 17:32-37.

Feb 18, 2018

The Vow of Purity

Marriage is amazing, but there is no denying it is also difficult. This week we are challenged to take the Vow of Purity, to confide in our spouses and not hide from our spouses. How can we maintain purity both physically and spiritually in our most meaningful relationships? Gen. 2:18-25; 2 Cor. 9:6; Gen. 3:7-10; Luke 8:17; Rom. 3:23-27. Pastor Steven Lucas shared this message.

Feb 11, 2018

Vow of Partnership

Marriage is amazing, but there is no denying that it is also difficult. This week we are challenging ourselves by looking at marriage as a covenant partnership, being committed to each other. We look into Gen. 2:22-24, Matt. 19:4-6 and Eph. 5:21-25 to see how God intended the marriage partnership to work. Aaron Kaeble brought this message.

Feb 4, 2018

Vow of Pursuit

Marriage is amazing, but there is no denying that it is also difficult. This week we are challenging ourselves to constantly pursue the heart of our spouses. Pastor Steven Lucas brings this message and the scriptures for the sermon are taken from Genesis 29:18-28 and Ephesians 5:31-33

Jan 28, 2018

The Vow of Priority

Marriage is amazing, but there is no denying that it is also difficult. This week we are challenging ourselves to make God our #1 priority and our spouse our #2 priority. We are looking at Matthew 22:36-40 and Exodus 20:1-6 to see the value and importance of having our priorities in the right places. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Steven Lucas.

Jan 21, 2018

Growing Pains

Growing up can be hard. Each stage requires steps of maturity and growth to move on. Today we talk about what spiritual maturity looks like, how it works, and how to move from our current stage to the next! This sermon was given by Pastor Steven Lucas.

Jan 14, 2018

Work it Out

To get physically fit we must follow a workout plan. In order to grow spiritually we must do the same. Today we look at some workout tips out of Philippians 2:2-12 to help us grow spiritually. Associate pastor Aaron Kaeble brings this sermon.

Jan 7, 2018


With every new year comes new year resolutions. A resolution is our attempt to resolve or re-solve the problems of the past. Today we look at Deuteronomy 1 to see what God has to say about staying where we are instead of moving forward and following Him. This sermon was presented by Pastor Steven Lucas.