Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Dec 24, 2020

Christmas at the Movies - It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life tells a story of a man named George Bailey who asks the question "What if I was never born?" An angel then shows him all the ways his life positively affected the community around him. This Christmas Eve we wanted to ask, "What if Jesus was never born?" Tonight we take a look at how different human history would be, as well as what the fate of humanity would be without Jesus.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Hebrews 2

Dec 20, 2020

Christmas at the Movies - The Santa Clause

The Santa Clause is about a successful business man who's life is flipped upside-down after he puts on Santa's suit and wrestles with taking on all the responsibility of Santa. As followers of Jesus we aren't called to just know Jesus, but to live lives following Him. This week we're talking about what changes once we "put on the suit". 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Corinthians 5

Dec 13, 2020

Christmas at the Movies - Elf

Elf is about a man who goes on a quest to find his real father after being raised by elves for 30 years. Until he finds that missing piece, he feels he won't truly know who he is. Everyone is looking for something. This week we look at what drives that search for that "missing piece" and what (Who) actually belongs there.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: John 4

Dec 6, 2020

Christmas at the Movies - The Grinch

The Grinch centers around a grouchy green hermit who's inward negativity warped his outward perspective. Eventually his heart was changed by the resilient joy of the people around him. This week we're taking a look at how powerful our attitudes can be and how to spread contagious joy.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Philippians 2:14-18

Nov 29, 2020

Christmas at the Movies - Home Alone

Home Alone is about a boy named Kevin who has to defend his house from thieves after he is accidentally left behind by his family on Christmas. We've all had things happen to us this year that were out of our control and been left with figuring out how to pick up the pieces from there. This week we take a look at the choices available to us when life "happens" by learning from the life of Joseph and the story in Home Alone! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Genesis 39

Nov 22, 2020

Uncommon - Compassion

If there were two things we need more of in our world right now, it's COMPASSION and EMPATHY! It's easy to show compassion to those that agree with us and think like us, but much harder to those we don't get along with. This week Pastor Steven teaches us what Uncommon Compassion looks like!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 9:35-38

Nov 15, 2020

Uncommon - Generosity (Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon)

This week Life Church watched a video sermon by Pastor Sean Sears on week 2 of the Uncommon sermon series. 

Click here to see the video sermon

Nov 8, 2020

Uncommon - Community

Following Jesus is anything but commmon. In fact you could say that everything about it is UNCOMMON. In Jesus we are called to live an uncommon life in a world dominated by "common". This week we're talking about living in unity among the divided world. 

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble 
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:7-10

Nov 1, 2020

Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

As we look back over the last 15 years of our church's history, we celebrate all the incredible things that God has done in and through our church family. And because we believe that God is not done, we expectantly look forward to the next chapter and the exciting things He has for our church in the coming years. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears  
Text: The book of Habakkuk 

Oct 25, 2020

Built For This

A lot changed this year, and a lot is about to change. Good news is who we are and Who we believe in hasn't and isn't changing. How do we become a people that when change happens we can lean in and say, "We're built for this." 
Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas  
Text: Jeremiah 29:4-13

Oct 18, 2020

Relational Vampires - Filling People

There are some people that just seem to suck the life out of us. We know we're supposed to love them, but honestly, sometimes it's just plain difficult. Instead of running from or fighting with these "Relational Vampires", though, we will learn how God can use us to bring love into their lives. This week Pastor Steve shares how to not just endure draining people, but how to be someone that fills others up! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas  
Text: Romans 12:9-18

Oct 11, 2020

Relational Vampires - Critical People

There are some people that just seem to suck the life out of us. We know we're supposed to love them, but honestly, sometimes it's just plain difficult. Instead of running from or fighting with these "Relational Vampires", though, we will learn how God can use us to bring love into their lives. This week Pastor Aaron takes a look at how Jesus handled critical people and how we can learn from His example. 
Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble  
Text:1 Peter 2:19-25

Oct 4, 2020

Relational Vampires - Controlling people

There are some people that just seem to suck the life out of us. We know we're supposed to love them, but honestly, sometimes it's just plain difficult. Instead of running from or fighting with these "Relational Vampires", though, we will learn how God can use us to bring love into their lives. This week Lucas Spicer takes a look at how Jesus handled controlling people. 
Speaker: Youth Pastor Lucas Spicer 
Text: Matthew 16 

Sep 27, 2020

Unsung Heroes - Arms Up

You don't need a title to make an impact. God used countless people throughout history who flew under the radar but made an incredible difference. Everyone matters in God's story! This week Pastor Steve looks at a story where a team of people had to work together in order to achieve victory. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas  
Text: Exodus 17 

Sep 20, 2020

Unsung Heroes - The Good Stranger

You don't need a title to make an impact. God used countless people throughout history who flew under the radar but made an incredible difference. Everyone matters in God's story! This week Pastor Steve takes a new look at an old story to show the deeper message behind Jesus' words.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas 
Text: Luke 10

Sep 13, 2020

Unsung Heroes - John the Baptist

You don't need a title to make an impact. God used countless people throughout history who flew under the radar but made an incredible difference. Everyone matters in God's story! This week Pastor Aaron takes a look at the life of John the Baptist and how we too can also live our lives to promote not ourselves, but the Greater One! 

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: John 3:22-36

Sep 6, 2020

Unsung Heroes - Unsung Evangelist

You don't need a title to make an impact. God used countless people throughout history who flew under the radar but made an incredible difference. Everyone matters in God's story! This week Pastor Steve takes a look at how an anonymous man used the story of how Jesus changed his life to affect thousands more!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 8, Mark 5 & 15

Aug 30, 2020

Woke Church - Woke to Freedom

There is one truth that sets the foundation for everything else in faith, and that is the Gospel! It has changed countless lives, set off a global movement, and shaped the course of human history. This week we explore the amazing freedom that Jesus' sacrifice brought us and how it affects our every day lives.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Galatians 5:16-25

Aug 23, 2020

Woke Church - Woke Relationships

There is one truth that sets the foundation for everything else in faith, and that is the Gospel! It has changed countless lives, set off a global movement, and shaped the course of human history. This week we take a look at how the Gospel can effect our relationships and how we interact with the people around us.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Philippians 2 & Acts 3

Aug 16, 2020

Woke Church - Woke Moments

There is one truth that sets the foundation for everything else in faith, and that is the Gospel! It has changed countless lives, set off a global movement, and shaped the course of human history. This week we take a look at how the Gospel should change the way we look at ordinary moments in life.
(Please note that due to technical problems, the volume drops dramatically at the 26 minute mark) 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Ephesians 5:8-20

Aug 9, 2020

Woke Church - Woke to the Gospel

There are timeless pillars that hold up human spirituality that are often misunderstood and overlooked. It's time to wake up to their power and presence. This week we look at the incredible power of the Gospel and how it impacts not just our past but EVERYTHING!

Speaker: Aaron Kaeble
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Aug 2, 2020

Making Change - Tomorrow Matters

It's possible to make real change in our lives by using the change in our pockets. While most people have dreams of traveling, owning a home, helping their kids with college, and/or retiring comfortably, the unfortunate reality is that many of us are ill equipped to see those dreams come true. This week Pastor Steve lays out several principles to enable anyone to begin making progress towards those dreams.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jul 26, 2020

Making Change - Giving is Good

It's possible to make real change in our lives by using the change in our pockets. Jesus taught that it is better to give than to receive, but how could that really be true? This week we look at the power of generosity and how it points directly to God's heart toward humanity when He GAVE His only Son out of love.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jul 19, 2020

Making Change - Stress is Bad

Jesus taught that our heart follows our treasure. That means it's possible to make real change in our lives by using change in our pockets. No one enjoys stress, but many of us live in a state of perpetual financial stress. This week we discuss how to make the shift from financial distress to financial freedom!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Matthew 6:21

Mar 15, 2020

The Light of the World

Jesus made an earth shattering, head turning declaration that He is the light of the world. This is a statement that resonates into eternity and has a lasting impact on our lives. Today we take a dive into what Jesus means by this declaration and what its implications are for our lives.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: John 8:12

Mar 8, 2020

When God Doesn't Make Sense - When God seems Uncooperative

We have all experienced times our expectations and God's plans don't line up. It may feel like God doesn't make sense because he either seems silent, late, or uncooperative. Today we take a look at the moments God seems uncooperative.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 & James 1:2-4

Mar 1, 2020

When God Doesn't Make Sense - When God Seems Late

We have all experienced times where our expectations and God's plans don't line up. It may feel like God doesn't make sense because He either seems silent, late, or uncooperative. Today we take a look at the moments when God seems late.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: John 11

Feb 23, 2020

When God Doesn't Make Sense - When God Seems Silent

We have all experienced times where our expectations and God's plans don't line up. It may feel like God doesn't make sense because He either seems silent, late, or uncooperative. In this series we will be addressing those moments and how to actually draw closer to Him even in a crisis of faith. Today we take a look at the moments when God seems silent.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: 2 Corinthians 4

Feb 16, 2020

Relationship Goals - Covenant Keeping

We all have pictures in our heads of what we'd like our relationships to look like. But what exactly would the ideal relationship look like? In this series, we will define several God-honoring "relationship goals". Today we take a look at our fourth and last goal "Covenant Keeping".

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Matthew 19:3-6  &  Ephesians 5:21-25

Feb 9, 2020

Relationship Goals - Devil Kicking

We all have pictures in our heads of what we'd like our relationships to look like. But what exactly would the ideal relationship look like? In this series, we will define several God-honoring "relationship goals". Today we take a look at our third goal, Devil Kicking. How can we fight back against our enemy that we know is coming for us?

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Ephesians 5 & 6

Feb 2, 2020

Relationship Goals - Mission Driven

We all have pictures in our heads of what we'd like our relationships to look like. But what exactly would the ideal relationship look like? In this series we will define several God-honoring "relationship goals". Today we take a look at our second goal, Mission Driven. What are we going to do about what really matters most to us?

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Genesis 1 & Romans 16

Jan 26, 2020

Relationship Goals - Christ Centered

We all have pictures in our heads of what we'd like our relationships to look like. But what exactly would the ideal relationship look like? In this series we will define several God-honoring "relationship goals". Today we take a look at our first goal, Christ- centered.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Genesis 2

Jan 19, 2020

Habits - Stopping

New Year New Me...or at least that's what you said last year. Your goal this year might be to start something new, or it may be to stop doing something old. Many of us have been dealing with the same old habits or cycles of behavior for years. Today we take a look at what the Bible says about how to break away from unhealthy habits.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Romans 7 & Ephesians 3

Jan 12, 2020

Habits - Starting

New Year New Me...or at least that's what you said last year. A new year comes with new goals and excitement, but many of us are stuck trying to accomplish the same goals and fighting the same battles each year. Today we look at the only One who can make those changes and how Jesus is where we always have to start.

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Matthew 5:17-20, 48 ; John 15:1-10 ; Mark 10:46-51

Jan 5, 2020

Habits - Who Goals

New Year New Me... or at least that's what you said last year. A new year comes with new goals and excitement, but many of us are stuck trying to accomplish the same goals and fighting the same battles each year. Today we take a look at how to get out of the yearly cycle and see real change in our lives!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Romans 6 & 7