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Jul 26, 2020

Making Change - Giving is Good

It's possible to make real change in our lives by using the change in our pockets. Jesus taught that it is better to give than to receive, but how could that really be true? This week we look at the power of generosity and how it points directly to God's heart toward humanity when He GAVE His only Son out of love.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

1 comment:

  1. Several years ago I wanted to study tithing on my own, as I kept hearing contradictory statements by Bible teachers. Besides, we are commanded to search the Bible to see if what we are being taught is scriptural. After studying the topic myself, I noticed that some teachers actually went right to the Bible and taught accurately. Others, most I would say, didn't bother to study it, but rather taught what they thought the Bible says on the subject, and they usually quote just a verse or two, and usually out of context.

    I appreciate the spirit in which the Pastor spoke and the majority of the teaching here on this topic. There's a lot of great teaching in this series. But we should ask ourselves as we study the topic of tithing, what did God say tithing was and who was required to tithe?

    If the OT requirement of tithing was given to the Jews and there are rules to it, shouldn't we know what those rules were to follow that example? That is, if the church is actually supposed to "tithe" in the first place.

    It is quite clear, we are commanded to give. Yes, we should be a generous people, but is it stated anywhere in Scripture that God commanded the Jews to give a tenth of their money as part of the tithe? If so, then maybe we should too, though we are not under the law. Maybe it's a good principle to follow, if the Jews were in fact supposed to give a tenth of their money to God.

    In my study, I fully expected to find a verse or two in the OT showing that the Jews were required to give a tenth of their income. To my surprise, I couldn't find one verse. Maybe it's there, and I just missed it? What I did find was that the requirement to tithe was strictly with food, crops and animals.
    If it was too difficult to bring to the storehouse a tenth of all that was required, then one was supposed to use money to buy what should have been brought, and offer that. Never was money used as a part of tithing, except to make an exchange of the money into the proper items required for the storehouse.

    I also discovered that the poor were exempt from tithing. Not everyone owned land or animals. Never are the poor required to give a tenth of the little money they should get either. I couldn't find a rule that stated fisherman are to give a tenth of their fish either. And that's a good thing, or the storehouses would stink. Haha.

    I'm basically saying that God never burdened His people with having to give a tenth of the money they made. Instead, it was a tenth of the increase of their fields. So today, as church members, why are we being told we must give a tenth of our money or we are "robbing God?" Are we actually being "disobedient" by not handing over one tenth of our income? The Jews were never told to do it. It was not a sin for them. Then it is not wrong for a Christian either.

    We are free from the law. We should give from our hearts what seems right to us. Even if tithing is still required today, where does the Bible state that tithing now includes money?

    Some people are blessed enough to give a large portion of their income to God. Some may be able to give much more than 10%. There's no doubt that many believers don't support the work of God as they probably should. But it is not up to us to judge the percentage one gives or doesn't give.

    Be free. Give generously according to what you have. Support your church as best you can. Don't be heavy hearted or ashamed if you can't give ten percent of your money to God. God isn't up in heaven with a calculator judging you if you don't give ten percent of your income.

    If someone finds a verse stating that biblical tithing is giving money, let me know! I've looked for years, haven't found one verse yet.

    God bless.

    Aug 7, 2020, 6:11:12 PM
