Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

Dec 24, 2021

What Christmas Means For You / Christmas With Grace

We know the Christmas story. We hear it every year. We all know the characters and the setting. It's a great story, but what does this mean for us living 2000 years after this first Christmas? Because while Christmas is supposed to be full of hope and peace, our world doesn't feel anything like that, and neither do our lives! What if the Christmas story wasn't just a story to tell, but an opportunity for us to claim hope, joy and peace for our own lives.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Luke 2 

Dec 19, 2021

Hope For All People / The Line / Week 3

We know the Christmas story. We know the nativity scene. It's a beautiful story to tell, but it can also seem so far from our reality. Often, our lives feel anything but full of hope, joy, love and peace. Why is that? Maybe we're relying on the wrong things? Maybe it's not about how religious we are, but about grasping something else. That's what we're talking about this week!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Dec 12, 2021

When I feel Insignificant / The Line / Week 2

Do you ever have times when you don't feel like you matter all that much? Like you're not that valuable? Of course you do! We all do. You see we all go around looking for things that prove we matter. And we spend much of our lives not only trying to prove our stats to others, but to ourselves, and to God! But what if stats don't matter to God? What if the way He sees our value is nothing compared to how we see it? We're talking about that this week at Grace Church!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Dec 5, 2021

Being Made Right With God / The Line / Week 1

There was a moment in time when a line separated everything before it, from everything that came after it. With one baby's birth our historical timeline changed from B.C. to A.D, but so did so much more. The Bible tells us that even today, there is a line that exists that causes us to feel like we're distant from God. Like He's on one side and we're on the other. So if we have the desire to get right with God, how is that line erased? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas 

Nov 28, 2021

3 Keys For Staying Grateful / Grateful / Week 3

It's easier for us to be grateful around this time of year, when everyone is focused on it. Nobody wants to be that ungrateful person at the Thanksgiving get together. Nobody wants to be the Scrooge at Christmas time. But isn't it crazy how fast we shift when things don't go our way or people don't treat us the way we think they should? What does it take to be a person filled with gratitude all the time? We're talking about it! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Nov 21, 2021

The Benefits Of Gratitude / Grateful / Week 2

We know it feels good to be thankful and grateful, but wouldn't it be a lot easier if life just went how we wanted? When life gets hard and disappointments crowd in, fighting to stay grateful doesn't really seem worth it. Actually it's easier and more natural to stay upset, frustrated, or disappointed. So why fight to be grateful? This week, Pastor Steve discusses the benefits to staying grateful. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Nov 14, 2021

The Mindset Of Gratitude / Grateful / Week 1

Why is it so difficult to be grateful? This time of year it's common to reflect on gratitude and be thankful, but often difficult to do the rest of the year. What if one simple mindset shift could change how you view what you have and what you don't and allow you to be more grateful all year long? We're talking about that and more. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Oct 31, 2021

Fear of Confrontation / Fear Not / Week 3

We all have fears, but God doesn't want our lives to be defined by those fears. This week we take a look at one fear that can greatly affect our relationships, the fear of confrontation. Our guide this week is Esther and how she and the other figures in the story navigate issues with each other.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: The Book of Esther

Oct 24, 2021

Fear Of Failing / Fear Not / Week 2

None of us want to look insecure. We want to show a version of ourselves that is put together and in control. One that hides our past failures and only shows the best of us. But we know who we are. We know where we've messed up, and the fear of ever being in that place again often keeps us from really living. Maybe your past failures have even kept you at arms length from God? How do we break out of the mediocre and have the confidence to pursue who God made us to be? Let's talk about that!

Speaker: Jay Cross of Grace Church Avon

Oct 17, 2021

Fear Of What Others Think / Fear Not / Week 1

What if you don't like me? What if they think less of me? What if I get laughed at? What if they're really not cool with me? The second guessing, the worry, the doubt. Fearing what others think can not only make it hard to live authentically, but also to do the things God wants you to do and be the person He made you to be. So how do we get past it? Let's talk about it! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Oct 10, 2021

Guidelines For Healthy Discipline / Parenthood / Week 3

None of us want our kids to grow up to be selfish or inconsiderate people, but when it comes to the discussion on discipline, we all bring baggage to the conversation. So what does healthy discipline look like? And how can we do it in a way that not only addresses bad behavior, but teaches our kids to make the right decisions? 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Oct 3, 2021

3 Tools To Connect With Your Kids / Parenthood / Week 2

We know that connecting with our kids is important, but with life being so busy and schedules being so demanding, it's hard to have meaningful connections with our kids everyday. Today, we're talking about 3 simple tools you can use to connect more!

Speakers: Steven and Devonne Lucas 
Text: Mark 10:13-16

Sep 26, 2021

The Top Priorities Of A Parent / Parenthood / Week 1

There's a lot that parents need to think about while raising kids. How are they in school? Are they developing well socially? Are you succeeding in raising them to be a decent person? It can be overwhelming! But what should be the top priority of a parent? What things are more important for you to focus on than all the rest? Let's talk about it! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Sep 19, 2021

The Antidote To Selfishness / One Another / Week 3

We're pretty selfish people. Even when we do good, our motivation is often how good we look or what we might get in return. And even when we do try to help with good intentions, we can still get burned. So do we look out for ourselves or risk being the sucker who helped? Jesus had a better way to look at it. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Sep 12, 2021

More Than Another Church Service / One Another / Week 2

What if we're missing something when it comes to church? What if you've been looking at church as a service and as a result, it just doesn't seem all that important. But what if God created the church to be so much more. Something so vital to your life that you can't live without. And what if all that's missing is this one piece? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Romans 12 & Acts 2

Sep 5, 2021

What Christians Should Be Known For / One Another / Week 1

Last week we learned we are all created to be in community. God gave us the Church not just as a place to go, but a family to belong to. But how are we supposed to live in that family? Join us as we look at what 
the Bible says the Church should be known for!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Aug 29, 2021

Why We Need Community / At The Movies / Week 4

Our schedules are too busy. We're trying to raise a family. Other people have hurt me. Life is safer alone. These are some of the things we might tell ourselves that keep us away from investing time in building community around us. But regardless of your personality, God wired YOU for community. And there is something else incredible that happens that you just can't get anywhere else. Let's talk about what that is!

Speaker: Pastor Victor Moura of Grace Church Peabody 
Text: Acts 2:42-47

Aug 22, 2021

Does God Love Me Even When I Walk Away? / At The Movies / Week 3

Have you ever known what God wanted you to do, but instead decided to do something else? Like you knew it was wrong, but did it anyway? Or maybe you just thought your way was better. How do moments like this affect how God feels about you? Most of us would think He would be angry and that we need to do some good to get back on good terms. But is that it? What does the Bible say we should do in moments like this? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Aug 15, 2021

Fighting Spiritual Complacency / At the Movies / Week 2

You believe in God. You pray and sometimes go to church, and you try to be a good person. You're all set. Right? I mean you're busy enough as is, how much time and effort do you really need to put into your faith? And what's the harm of just dipping your toe in religion? Let's talk about it!

Speaker: Jason Cross

Aug 8, 2021

Finding Rest In A Busy Life / At the Movies / Week 1

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but real, deep, soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like your doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it's also harmful to our spiritual health. Learn how you can find the rest that you not only crave, but your soul needs!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Hebrews 4:1-11

Aug 1, 2021

How To Keep Your Faith Alive / The Book of James / Week 6

Have you ever felt like you're trying to hang on to your faith for dear life? Maybe storm after storm keeps coming and it seems like there will be no relief. Or you're waiting to know what's your next move but it feels like God is silent. How can you keep your faith alive when it feels like everything is against you?

Speaker: Youth Pastor Lucas Spicer
Text: James 5 

Jul 25, 2021

3 Lies That Keep You From Humility / The Book of James / Week 5

What does it take to live humbly? Why does God want us to live this way anyways? If you are trying too hard to be humble, then are you really humble? This weekend, we're exposing three lies that many of us believe that prevent us from being the people God intends us to be. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 4 & 5

Jul 18, 2021

When I'm Not Feeling Content / The Book of James / Week 4

Ever felt frustrated that you weren't where you wanted to be in life or didn't have what you wanted? Maybe you feel like you're doing everything right and you still don't feel content. Where is God when this happens? We'll find out this weekend as we continue our series on the book of James. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Jul 11, 2021

The Power of Your Words / The Book of James / Week 3

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words ___ ____ ____ ____? Might hurt even more? Might stick with me forever? Define my worth? What is it about words that are so powerful? And why is it so hard to control the things we say? We're talking about that this weekend!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 3

Jul 4, 2021

Having Authentic Faith / The Book of James / Week 2

We've all met people who say they are Christians, but they look nothing like Jesus. Maybe they go to church, but aren't growing from what they learn in God's word. They are wearing the uniform, but they're not in the game. James gives a warning about living that way, and tells us the keys to making sure we have authentic faith.

Speaker: Youth Pastor Lucas Spicer

Jun 27, 2021

How to Face Hard Times / The Book of James / Week 1

Nobody wants to go through difficult seasons in life. We work hard to make life comfortable and when things do get rough, we get angry with God and wonder if He even cares what's happening to us. But what if the difficult times in life were less about what's happening TO us and more about what God wants to do IN us? How does God want us to look at the hard seasons of life? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: James 1

Jun 20, 2021

How To Prepare For The Battle / This Means War / Week 3

If we are in a spiritual battle, do we have to deal with the attacks from the enemy or is there a part for us to play in this battle. And if so, what is our role and what tools are at our disposal to fight? We're talking about that in this message as we wrap up our series!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jun 13, 2021

How The Enemy Attacks / This Means War / Week 2

There is a battle being fought over your heart every day. A spiritual battle between God and the life He wants for you and the enemy who wants to destroy that life. If we are going to win, we need to know the tactics the enemy uses to fight against us and to keep us from the life God intended for us. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jun 6, 2021

Understanding Spiritual Warfare / This Means War / Week 1

What if there was a whole side of reality that we often completely miss?A spiritual reality consisting of both darkness and light waring against each other and in a very real way, effecting our spiritual side. Starting this weekend, we are diving into what the Bible has to say... 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

May 30, 2021

When Life Isn't What We Want / Jonah / Week 4

What happens when we turn to God in our trouble but things still don't get better? Does God actually hear us or is He ignoring us? Why does doing the right thing not always mean we'll get what we want? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 4

May 23, 2021

Getting Back On Track With God / Jonah / Week 3

So maybe you've blown it in the past. And maybe you believe God will give you another chance even if you don't deserve it. But sometimes getting back on track with God doesn't mean that our circumstances will all clear up at once. Is facing the music really worth it? That's what we're talking about this weekend as we continue our series in Jonah! 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Text: Jonah 3

May 16, 2021

How To Run Back To God / Jonah / Week 2

There are times where we end up in bad places because of the choices that we've made, but what do we need to do to turn things around and get back on track? And what if you don't deserve another chance? Can you still get right with God? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 2

May 9, 2021

Have I Run Too Far From God? / Jonah / Week 1

What happens when I know the right thing to do and choose not to? Is it possible for me to be so far from God that there's no coming back? And when my life feels like a sinking ship, what should be my next move? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 1
Click here to listen to the sermon

May 2, 2021

Becoming Great in God's Eyes / G.O.A.T. Week 4

What does it mean to become "great" in God's eyes? You might think it's knowing a lot of religious information or doing a lot more good than wrong. But the answer that Jesus gave on how to become great just might surprise you.

Guest Speaker: Ken Knott of Grace Church Avon
Text: John 13

Apr 25, 2021

How To Be More Generous - G.O.A.T. Week 3

We all want to be generous people, but what does it really mean to be generous? And can you still be generous even if you don't have a lot of money to give away? Pastor Steven talks about that this weekend!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: John 2:1-11

Apr 18, 2021

The Greatest Includer - G.O.A.T. Week 2

Who would you think Jesus liked to spend time with? It might not be who you'd expect. Jesus often hung out with those that everyone else overlooked or ignored. If you're feeling disconnected from God and feel like you'd be the last person He would spend time with, this message is for YOU! 

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Apr 11, 2021

Finding God's Will For My Life / G.O.A.T. Week 1

What is it that God wants you to do with your life? What purpose does He have for you? And how do you know when you're living it? We're talking about that this weekend as we kick off our new series G.O.A.T.! 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Apr 4, 2021

What Jesus Knew We Needed Most

Jesus rides into town on Palm Sunday with HUGE crowds adoring Him, but by Friday those same people are shouting "Crucify Him!" Why? What did they want from Jesus and why did their hearts change towards Him so fast? And what if we are no different? Find out this Easter what things God is most concerned about in your life, and how you can find hope from Easter. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Luke 19-20

Mar 28, 2021

Neighborhood Watch / What's the Purpose of My Faith? / Week 4

Does my faith just benefit me or does God have a bigger plan in mind? 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Mar 21, 2021

Neighborhood Watch / 5 Ways to Love Your Neighbor / Week 3

Jesus said loving your neighbor is the second greatest commandment, but practically how do you love your neighbor? Nobody wants to be that weird neighbor, so what does loving your neighbor look like? We're talking about that this weekend and giving you 5 ways you can begin to love your neighbor!

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Acts 10:9-48

Mar 14, 2021

Neighborhood Watch - Who is My Neighbor? - Week 2

Have you ever known someone who was a super religious person, but NOT a super nice person? You can have the right THEOLOGY but still have the wrong HEART! We're talking about what YOU can do to keep your heart RIGHT!

Speaker: Associate Pastor Aaron Kaeble
Text: Luke 10: 21-37

Mar 7, 2021

Neighborhood Watch - How to Treat Other People

How do we be kind to people we don't really like and how can we show others their self worth if we are not really sure of ours? We're discovering three truths from the Bible that will help you see your own worth and the worth of those around you.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas 

Feb 28, 2021

The Power of Love - The Power of Commitment - Week 3

Commitment. We all aspire to have it in our relationships, but with a divorce rate that's so high and relationships around us ending left and right, how is it possible to keep committed to a relationship when things get rough? Today, our guest speaker Pastor Bryan Spicer talks about that and more. 

Speaker: Pastor Bryan Spicer of Bay State Baptist Church in Billerica, MA 

Feb 21, 2021

The Power of Love - The Power of Pursuit - Week 2

We talk a lot about love, but that doesn't mean we are good at it. If we're going to get it right, we need to know what God says about love, who we are attracted to, how we pursue intimacy with them, and what commitment looks like in that relationship. This week, Pastor Steven speaks on the power of pursuit. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Feb 14, 2021

The Power of Love - The Power of Attraction - Week 1

We talk a lot about love, but that doesn't mean we're good at it. If we're going to get it right, we need to know what God says about love, who we are attracted to, how we pursue intimacy with them, and what commitment looks like in that relationship. 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Feb 7, 2021

God as Spirit / The One and Only / Week 4

For a lot of us, the thought of God being a Spirit probably brings up some questions. There are some churches who make a big deal out of the Holy Spirit and some that barely talk about Him at all. Maybe your thoughts about the Holy Spirit kind of weird you out a little bit or your brain likens the Holy Spirit to the Force from Star Wars. A lot of these kinds of feelings and misconceptions come from not understanding the role the Holy Spirit has in the Christian's life. In the last week of this series, we will see how the Bible describes who the Holy Spirit is and why He is so vital to our Christian lives.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas 

Jan 31, 2021

God as Son / The One and Only / Week 3

Many religions believe that there is only one God, but where the paths start to diverge is when it comes to Jesus. Is Jesus in fact God? How can He be God and have been an actual human being in history? And if He is God, then what does that mean for us and our faith? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jan 24, 2021

God as Your Father / The One and Only / Week 2

What information about God are you believing that is FALSE!? This weekend, we are talking about some of the common misconceptions about God that might be keeping you feeling distant or disconnected! If you want to be closer to God, but feel like you are struggling this weekend is for you!

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon

Jan 17, 2021

God - The One and Only - Week 1

When you think about God, what image do you have in your mind? An old man with a white beard and robe? Maybe a bright light with a deep Morgan Freeman-like voice? If we want to have a more meaningful relationship with God, we first need to have an accurate understanding of who He is. This weekend, we will start to unpack what the Bible says about who God is in our new series The One and Only.

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas

Jan 10, 2021

Social NOTworking - Convenient vs Meaningful

The average American spends 7 hours a day looking at a screen. It's not hyperbole or an exaggeration to say that we have a serious problem. It cannot be God honoring to allow anything in our lives to have as much sway over us as our screens. This week we look at how to break free from a convenient faith that is filled with spiritual information but lacks real depth, and instead live lives filled with meaning and deep connection to God and others. 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Romans 1

Jan 3, 2021

Social NOTWorking - Social Dilemma

The average American spends 7 hours a day looking at a screen. It's not hyperbole or an exaggeration to say that we have a serious problem. It cannot be God honoring to allow anything in our lives to have as much sway over us as our screens. So this week we take a look at how to break free from lives defined by what's on our screens, and instead live lives defined by God as "good, pleasing and perfect." 

Speaker: Youth Pastor/Director Lucas Spicer
Text: Romans 12