Nov 11, 2023
Nov 5, 2023
We're Just Getting Started / 18th Birthday
Grace Church turns 18 years old! It's crazy to look back on how we started out with just 35 people crammed in a hotel conference room and to see where God has brought us. In this sermon, Pastor Sean Sears shares awesome stories and history of where we have been as a church but also reminds us that we've only just begun to tap all that God dreams for us. Hear how we can be a church God continues to bless and how you can be a part of helping these dreams become a reality!
Speaker: Lead Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Oct 29, 2023
Fighting For Peace / Upside Down / Week 4
Everywhere we turn we find conflict. Not only on the news but in our homes, workplaces, and communities. We long for peace in our world, in our lives, and in our hearts, but it seems there is always something ready to rob us of it. In this sermon, we explore the upside down path of peacemaking that Jesus lays out. While we're distracted by achieving our definition of peace, Jesus calls us to engage through conflict to do the hard work of true peacemaking. Learn how to trust God through the struggle and become conduits of peace in a hostile world.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Oct 22, 2023
How To Have A Pure Heart / Upside Down / Week 3
Having a pure heart often feels impossible with all the temptations and brokenness around us. This struggle can cause us to feel discouraged and unworthy or tempt us to throw in the towel and allow our hearts to become calloused and dirty. So how can we actually experience purity of heart like Jesus teaches? In this sermon, we see that purity of heart does not equal perfection, but rather can be obtained through practical habits to guard your heart, change your focus, obey God's voice within you. When we live this way, we can experience the blessing and peace God intends for us.
Speaker: Youth Pastor Emmanuel Sutka
Oct 15, 2023
Balancing Justice And Mercy / Upside Down / Week 2
Injustice seems rampant today. We hunger for wrongs to be righted, yet showing mercy appears weak and lets the offender off the hook. So how do we reconcile Jesus' teaching for us to want justice, but also freely give mercy? In this sermon, we see how Jesus flips the script by redefining our understanding of justice and mercy, what it would look like for us to live as people of justice and mercy, and how living out Jesus' radical, countercultural teachings leads us towards lives of peace, contentment, and purpose that we've been craving.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Oct 8, 2023
Why God Blesses Vulnerability / Upside Down / Week 1
Do you ever feel like life is leaving you empty and unfulfilled? You try to check all the boxes for success - nice job, possessions, relationships - but something is still missing. What if God knows something about finding a blessed and fulfilled life that we're missing? What can be challenging is sometimes Jesus' instructions can feel backwards to us. Jesus said the poor, grieving, and humble are blessed, but living that way doesn't sound like it leads to a better place. So what is Jesus talking about? In this sermon, We'll be unpacking these counter cultural values that are supposed to lead to blessing and favor and see how Jesus intended them to bring us a life of meaning and purpose.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Oct 1, 2023
Should Christians Fight Culture Or Embrace It? / Asking For A Friend / Week 4
Living out your faith nowadays can feel like you're on stormy waters. With Christian values diminishing in our culture, many people of faith are left feeling overwhelmed, angry, or tempted to leave their faith behind. So in these divided times, how should Christians respond to the culture around them? In this sermon, we answer this question by giving a Biblically-grounded perspective on what it looks like to stand firm in your faith and also live as a person of compassion and love towards those who do not share your beliefs.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Sep 24, 2023
Does Science Point To A Creator / Asking For A Friend / Week 3
Most of us grew up being taught evolution, but what if there's actual empirical evidence that points toward purposeful design? We're putting the Bible to the test to see if believing in Creation requires you to check your brain at the door, or if you can believe the Genesis account and still be rational and intelligent. In this sermon, we'll see respected scientists who believe data fits better with Genesis than natural selection, and we'll discover how the world around us defies random chance, revealing fingerprints of an intelligent Creator behind it all.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Click here to listen or to watch the sermon
Sep 17, 2023
What Does The Bible Say About Sex And Relationships / Asking For A Friend / Week 2
Relationships today are complicated. Our world is constantly communicating to us how to navigate things like sex, dating and marriage, but is this really working out well for us? Many of us still struggle reconciling our faith with our current desires and our past failures. In this sermon, we'll have an open, judgment-free conversation on what the Bible says about navigating tough topics like healthy boundaries for sex, dating in a modern world, and divorce. Discover how to reconcile faith with your desires, build intimate relationships that honor God, and find hope and healing from heartache. *(We apologize for the poor sound quality)*
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Matthew 19 & 1 Corinthians 6:15-18
Sep 10, 2023
What Does The Bible Say About Gender Identity? / Asking For A Friend / Week 1
Navigating the topic of gender identity is tough. Transgender. Gender dysphoria. Non-binary. What does it all mean? We want to care about people's innermost feelings and desires but is fully exploring and expressing all feelings and desires leading us towards wholeness? The complexities surrounding these issues leave many longing for clarity. In this sermon, we'll see what answers and wisdom the Bible gives around this topic to help us navigate these delicate and important issues.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Sep 3, 2023
Building A Life You Won't Regret / Check In
Do you ever worry you'll look back with regret on how you spent your time and energy? It's hard enough just getting through the day, let alone making sure your decisions are leading to a life of fulfillment and purpose. That's where having strong values can help! In this sermon, we talk about values designed to help you build a life of purpose and meaning. Find out why being biblically centered, outwardly focused, radically generous, and personally involved matters and also practical ways for you to start incorporating these values into your life this week.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Aug 27, 2023
Don't Let Anger Control You / Triggered / Week 6
Anger and rage seem to be all too common in our world today. Everyone seems to have a short fuse! We see it online, through the media, on our commutes, and in our relationships. It's the default emotion when things don't go right, and this intense emotion can be very destructive when handled in unhealthy ways. In this sermon, we'll be learning from the Bible how we can navigate the complexities of anger, how to avoid its destructive tendencies, and how to mange this emotion in a God-honoring way.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Taylor Knopp of Grace Church Braintree
Text: Proverbs 29:11 & Matthew 21:12-14
Aug 20, 2023
Aug 13, 2023
Aug 6, 2023
Jul 30, 2023
Stopping Guilt From Becoming Shame / Triggered / Week 2
Nobody wants to feel guilty or ashamed. We try to make excuses or shift blame so that we can avoid these feelings. But the reality is dealing with feelings of guilt and shame are a part of being human! In this sermon, we work to understand why God allows us to feel these difficult emotions and see how the Bible says we can go about dealing with these feelings in a more healthy way.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Genesis 3:6-13
Jul 23, 2023
Why My Emotions Matter To God / Triggered / Week 1
Let's be real, our emotions can be super complex and downright frustrating at times. Sadness, anger, fear and love: if we're honest, it's a lost easier to numb or dismiss these emotions than deal with them! We often separate them from our spirituality, thinking they are two separate things, but what if God sees your emotions differently and deeply cares how you feel? In this sermon, we will see that God designed you to have "all the feels", and by understanding and embracing God's design our emotions can lead to a deeper understanding of God and allow us to grow in our faith.
Speaker: Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Jul 16, 2023
Neighboring Above And Beyond / Like A Good Neighbor / Week 4
We all work really hard to make our lives easy and comfortable. But when it comes to loving our neighbor, Jesus says it's more than being friendly and polite. In fact, He says truly loving our neighbor will often cost us something and push us beyond our comfort zones. In this sermon, we explore why we are so uncomfortable with this idea and also why making such a countercultural decision to love others is worth it.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Mark 2:1-12
Jul 9, 2023
Why Hospitality Matters / Like A Good Neighbor / Week 3
For most of us hospitality is reserved for family and friends around birthday parties, BBQ's, and holidays. Our busy, fast-paced lives and our reliance on technology can often distract us from spending time with those around us. But here's the thing: hospitality is more than just being polite. It's about loving your neighbor, just like Jesus taught us. In this sermon, we talk about how hospitality is more than just being a good neighbor, and we'll give you some simple, practical ideas for inviting others into your space without it being awkward,
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Jul 2, 2023
Like A Good Neighbor / Week 2
We welcome guest speaker Granite Lesko today to continue the "Like A Good Neighbor" series. In this sermon, Granite discusses the story of Mary and Martha to illustrate how we sometimes need to say no to good in order to say yes to what's better.
Guest Speaker: Granite Lesko
Text: Luke 10:38-42
Jun 25, 2023
What Loving Your Neighbor Means / Like A Good Neighbor / Week 1
When we hear the phrase "love your neighbor" we often think of treating others with kindness, compassion, and respect. To be a good human is to "love your neighbor". But what if that's not what Jesus meant? What if it's not a metaphor, but a command to love your actual neighbor? In this sermon, we see from the Bible what it means to love your neighbor, who your neighbor actually is, and what steps you can take to start doing so.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Luke 10: 25-37
Jun 18, 2023
How Difficulties Expose Your True Self / A Tale Of 3 Kings / Week 3
When facing adversity, tough circumstances, and difficult people, we tend to react...well, poorly. After all, we were wronged! It wasn't our fault! We deserve better! But our reactions act like a mirror that reflects what's in our hearts, and exposes our hidden thoughts and character. And at times, when what's in our hearts comes out through our words and actions, it can even surprise us! So what do we do about it? In this sermon, we discover that we have a choice in how we respond in these situations and learn from the Bible how to allow God to grow and transform us into the people He wants us to be through these times.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: 2 Samuel 14-15
Jun 11, 2023
When Life Gets Tough / A Tale Of 3 Kings / Week 2
We've all experienced those moments when it feels like everything in our lives is falling apart. We long for comfort, security, and immediate solutions. We want God to fix our problems and make everything better. And when it doesn't happen, doubts and questions start to surface. But these are the moments where our faith is tested. In this sermon, we will see that God is not distant in hard times and that when we trust God in the midst of hardship, something incredible happens. God uses those hard times to shape us, to grow us, and to strengthen our faith.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: 1 Samuel 13-24
Jun 4, 2023
When God Doesn't Make It Better / A Tale Of 3 Kings / Week 1
Many people are initially drawn to faith with the expectation that following Jesus will lead to an easier and more carefree life. But is that really true? Does being a Christian increase your chances for more blessings and prosperity? If so, you might be asking "why are there still so many struggles in my life?" In this sermon, we talk about the realities of living with faith, and highlight how God sees hardships and struggles differently than we do.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: 1 Samuel 16-19
May 28, 2023
Letting God Write Your Story / Raise Your Game / Week 4
Ever wondered what it would be like to let God take the wheel and write more of your life's story? If we're honest, many of us feel more comfortable being the authors of our own lives and it can be daunting to feel like we are giving up control of our own lives. But what if you knew for a fact that God had something better planned? Something you'd miss if you never took the risk? In this sermon, we are talking about what a life written by God can look like, why the risk is worth it, and how you can make your first move to hand the pen over to God.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Acts 7 & 8
May 21, 2023
Building A Courageous Faith / Raise Your Game / Week 3
Would you describe your faith as courageous or hesitant? We often compare our faith to the heroes of the Bible and the courage and confidence they had versus the fear, doubt, and insecurity that many of us experience. So what's the difference? How can we grow courage and confidence in our faith and experience God in our lives? In this sermon, you'll find where a courageous faith comes from and also discover insights to help you build a more confident, courageous faith that can transform and deepen your relationship with God.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Acts 4
May 14, 2023
Gaining Confidence From The Holy Spirit / Raise Your Game / Week 2
Many people have questions about the Holy Spirit: Who or what is it? How does He relate to God and Jesus? What role does He play in our lives? How do I know if the Holy Spirit is working in my life? How can I discern the voice of the Holy Spirit? In this sermon, we'll explore the Holy Spirit from a biblical perspective and clarify common misunderstandings. By the end of this sermon, you'll have a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and how you can experience His power and presence in your life.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: John 14:15-26
May 7, 2023
From Doubt To Boldness / Raise Your Game / Week 1
Are you struggling to share your faith with others? Do you feel unsure of how to start a conversation about Jesus? Maybe you feel that your faith is still too small to talk with anyone else about it. You're not alone! But the good news is that God can give us the confidence to share our faith. In this sermon, we'll explore how our confidence in God equips us to live like Jesus and tell others about him. Ultimately, we'll see that sharing our faith is not about having all the answers, but about trusting in God's power and love enough to obey and allow Him to transform hearts and lives.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Apr 30, 2023
Do I have Enough Faith / Disillusioned / Week 3
Do you find yourself wondering or concerned whether you have enough faith? When doubts arise and our faith feels diminished, it's easy to feel inadequate or even guilty. Maybe you question whether you are worthy of God's love and acceptance because your faith seems so small. So exactly how much faith is enough? In this sermon, we talk bout how faith and doubts can coexist together. By the end of the sermon, you'll have a better understanding of what it means to have faith, and some practical tools to help strengthen your own. ***(PLEASE NOTE: The sermon at our Norton location was not recorded today due to technical difficulties)***
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Apr 23, 2023
What To Do When You're Doubting / Disillusioned / Week 2
What are you supposed to do when you have doubts about your faith? Are you supposed to talk openly about them or hide them? Some of us have experienced our doubts being shut down when we tried to share them, or were given an answer that only led to more questions. In this sermon, we talk about why seasons of doubt are not something to be discouraged by and we give 3 practical things you can do as you process through your doubts and questions.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Numbers 13 & 14
Apr 16, 2023
Is Doubting Your Faith Normal? / Disillusioned / Week 1
Have you ever questioned your faith or felt unsure about what you believe in? Have you ever wondered if your doubts mean you don't have enough faith? You're not alone. Doubt can be scary and confusing, but it doesn't mean you're losing your faith or a bad Christian. In this sermon, we see what the Bible says about doubting faith, what to do when we doubt, and how our doubts can actually help us grow closer to God.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Apr 9, 2023
The Solution To Our Broken World / How Did We Get Here? / Week 4
We all long for life to be good. To have days where everything goes right, we feel refreshed and filled, and are able to put aside the troubles and brokenness of our world. We can all agree that our world is broken but it's harder for us to admit that we contribute towards that broken world too. But what hope do we have that things will get better in our world? What about in our own lives? In this sermon, we see the answers the Bible gives for why we're all broken, how that affects our spiritual lives, and how Easter shows us that God has a plan to fix our broken world and how He can restore your world as well.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Apr 2, 2023
It's Not Technically Wrong / How Did We Get Here? / Week 3
How far is too far? We see that question being played out everywhere in our world and often it can feel like a fine line between "right" and "wrong". But if it's not technically wrong and nobody got hurt does that mean it's right? The problem is that while it's easy to justify our actions as "technically not wrong" this mindset can lead us down a dangerous path. In this video, we see from the Bible how seemingly harmless actions can steer us away from God's plan for our lives, and how we can learn to make choices that help keep our lives on track.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Mar 26, 2023
When Trust Is Broken / How Did We Get Here? / Week 2
Have you ever experienced the pain of broken trust in your relationships? Betrayal, disappointment, and hurt can leave us lost and alone, wondering how we can ever trust again. But the truth is that we all have experienced broken trust and we have been the one to break trust with others! In this sermon, We will explore what the Bible has to say about when trust is broken, how we can find hope and healing in our relationship with God and others, and how we can apply these timeless principles to our lives today.
Speaker: Ken Knott
Mar 19, 2023
Why Is The World So Messed Up? / How Did We Get Here? / Week 1
Have you ever stopped and said, what is going on with our world? You don't have to look very far before you find brokenness, injustice, and evil around us. So how did we get here? Why are people so hateful, selfish, and corrupt? In this sermon, we see how the Bible says our world got so messed up, how that affects our personal lives, and how change needs to begin with us.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Mar 12, 2023
How To Study The Bible / The Bible / Week 2
The Bible is the best selling book of all time and most Americans have at least one in their homes, but just because we open it and read it doesn't mean that it's easy to understand or apply to our lives. Even harder is making this a regular discipline in our lives. In this video, Pastor Sean Sears gives you some tools to help you not only read the Bible more often, but also help you hear from God while you read and study the Bible for yourself.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Mar 5, 2023
Is The Bible True? / The Bible / Week 1
Is the Bible fact or fiction? If we believe it is true, how can we be sure that it's reliable and accurate? Can we trust the writers were telling the truth? Is it just a book with some good stories or did the accounts that we read about really happen? In this sermon, Pastor Robb puts the Bible to the test to see if we can know if the Bible is true, accurate, and something worth rearranging our lives around
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Feb 26, 2023
The Key To Breaking Unhealthy Cycles / Cycle Breaker / Week 4
What happens when you thought you broke a cycle, but it seems to keep creeping back into your life? Does that mean you're a failure? Is your cycle just impossible to break? When this happens, our default reaction is to hide it and to pretend like it never happened. But what if the thing you're most afraid of is the key to breaking your cycle for good? In this sermon, Pastor Ken Knott shares what the Bible says is the key ingredient to breaking a cycle and how just because you might have messed up, doesn't mean God is done writing your story.
Speaker: Pastor Ken Knott
Feb 19, 2023
Saying No To Destructive Cycles / Cycle Breaker / Week 3
Many of us are exhausted, feeling trapped in the same destructive cycles we've always struggled with. The problem isn't that these cycles of dysfunction can't be broken, but that we are unsure of how to stop these bad habits. If we want to take a stand against these patterns of behavior and beliefs that no longer serve us, we need to start making different decisions. In this video, Pastor Sean Sears, shares a biblical perspective on what courageous choices we need to make to pull ourselves away from these destructive cycles and become the person God created you to be.
Speaker: Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Feb 12, 2023
Embracing A New Identity / Cycle Breaker / Week 2
Some of the cycles that we are stuck in seem so complex that it's hard to know where to start. Trying to start new habits is hard enough let alone breaking dysfunctional cycles that have always seemed to be a part of us. So what's the first step? Where do we start if we want to be the one to break the dysfunctional cycles in our lives? In this sermon, Ken Knott shares how to start from scratch, leave behind the past, and embrace a new identity.
Speaker: Ken Knott
Feb 5, 2023
Breaking Unhealthy Cycles / Cycle Breaker / Week 1
Have you ever noticed you do things like your Mom or Dad? Or maybe you have Grandpa's sense of humor or Grandma's wit? In every family, patterns are passed down, some are good...some are not so good. But when these negative patterns wreak havoc on our lives, we are left to wonder, "Am I doomed to repeat them?" In this sermon, Pastor Robb talks about why we struggle with these negative cycles, how we can choose to be the one to stop them, how God can begin a process of healing in our lives, and how we can find the strength to begin writing a new story with our lives.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Jan 29, 2023
3 Prayers You Should Be Praying / Thoughts And Prayers / Week 4
If you knew you could pray prayers that would cause you to see God more active in your life, would you do it? What if praying these prayers gave God the room in your life to steer your life in a different direction? Would you still do it or would these prayers be too dangerous for you to pray? In this sermon, Ken Knott shares 3 prayers that we don't pray but why we should!
Guest Speaker: Ken Knott
Jan 22, 2023
How To Pray To God / Thoughts And Prayers / Week 3
How do we pray? Is there a right way or wrong way to pray? Are there special words or certain places where I should pray? In this sermon, Pastor Rob Hollifield gives insight from the Bible for how we should and shouldn't pray and tips for how you can change your prayer life this week.
Speaker: Pastor Robb Hollifield
Text: Matthew 6
Jan 15, 2023
Why Should I Pray / Thoughts And Prayers / Week 2
Does prayer really make a difference? Because we've prayed for things before and it felt like nothing was happening. Does that mean God doesn't hear you or that He doesn't care? And if you don't see anything happening when you pray, what's the point? Maybe you've started to even doubt that God hears you or cares about you. In this sermon, Ken Knott gives three reasons to keep praying, even if we don't see the results we want.
Guest Speaker: Ken Knott
Jan 8, 2023
What Is Prayer / Thoughts And Prayers / Week 1
Over half of Americans say we pray daily, but there's also a lot of uncertainty and unanswered questions around prayer. Is prayer talking in my head or out loud? Is it the same as positive vibes and well wishes? Or is it just something religious people do to make themselves feel better about life? In this sermon, Pastor Steven Lucas talks about how we often view prayer, what the point of prayer is, and gives you some simple ways to start praying more.
Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text John 16: 22-28
Jan 1, 2023
New Years Devotional With Sean Sears
As we begin 2023, many of us are thinking about our hopes and dreams for this next year. How might you want to grow spiritually in 2023? In this video, Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon kicks off the New Year with a special devotional.
Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church in Avon
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