Welcome to Life Church Norton!

Welcome to the Sermon Blog of Life Church (formerly New Testament Baptist Church). Feel free to listen to or download sermons from our Sunday morning services. Then click on the comments to dialogue about the messages so we can learn from each other throughout the week. You may also click on the envelope after each post to send the link to a friend.
*** We have recently become Grace Church and will no longer be posting new sermons on this blog. You can find all newer sermons by going directly to www.thatsgrace.org and search for messages by the Norton location. However, we will continue to maintain this site and all are still encouraged to comment. ***

May 30, 2021

When Life Isn't What We Want / Jonah / Week 4

What happens when we turn to God in our trouble but things still don't get better? Does God actually hear us or is He ignoring us? Why does doing the right thing not always mean we'll get what we want? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 4

May 23, 2021

Getting Back On Track With God / Jonah / Week 3

So maybe you've blown it in the past. And maybe you believe God will give you another chance even if you don't deserve it. But sometimes getting back on track with God doesn't mean that our circumstances will all clear up at once. Is facing the music really worth it? That's what we're talking about this weekend as we continue our series in Jonah! 

Speaker: Pastor Sean Sears of Grace Church Avon
Text: Jonah 3

May 16, 2021

How To Run Back To God / Jonah / Week 2

There are times where we end up in bad places because of the choices that we've made, but what do we need to do to turn things around and get back on track? And what if you don't deserve another chance? Can you still get right with God? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 2

May 9, 2021

Have I Run Too Far From God? / Jonah / Week 1

What happens when I know the right thing to do and choose not to? Is it possible for me to be so far from God that there's no coming back? And when my life feels like a sinking ship, what should be my next move? 

Speaker: Pastor Steven Lucas
Text: Jonah 1
Click here to listen to the sermon

May 2, 2021

Becoming Great in God's Eyes / G.O.A.T. Week 4

What does it mean to become "great" in God's eyes? You might think it's knowing a lot of religious information or doing a lot more good than wrong. But the answer that Jesus gave on how to become great just might surprise you.

Guest Speaker: Ken Knott of Grace Church Avon
Text: John 13